Multimedia projects and realizations


Multimedia projects and realizations — why does your company need them?

Multimedia is one of the most popular forms, not only of content transfer, but also of communication or education, especially in the digital world. They are used to create engaging content that supports education and training processes in companies. Multimedia are the most important elements in e-learning trainings, which make the educational content presented in an interactive and attractive form for the user. What exactly are multimedia projects? What are the media types? What are the benefits of using multimedia in the company? And above all, why multimedia is a good investment in the development of online employees? Let’s answer it!

What are multimedia and multimedia projects?

Multimedia combines several forms of communication, i.e. text, sound, graphics, video and animation, into one coherent digital form. Their task is to provide recipients with specific information, provide knowledge or provide entertainment.

Multimedia is an effective business tool and goes far beyond the area of ​​e-learning training placed on educational platforms. They are ideal for many activities related to education and development, but their purpose can be much wider. Multimedia projects are applicable in virtually every branch of the economy, e.g. in the manufacturing, construction, transport, healthcare, tourism, culture and entertainment industries, as well as in the public sector.

What are the media types?

Thanks to multimedia, such as educational games or animations, we can use activation mechanisms in training that enhance the learning process and user experience. Therefore, multimedia projects are of particular value to the recipients, as they allow them to become more involved in specific issues. The interactive form encourages users to act, e.g. clicking on individual elements and collecting feedback. All this increases the motivation and commitment of employees to learn new content that is interesting and absorbing, and users are no longer just passive observers.

Most Popular Media

Let’s look at the types of multimedia that affect the recipient in a special way and strengthen cognitive processes, regardless of the subject matter.

2D and 3D animations and models

2D models and animations are the most classic and at the same time very popular forms of information transfer that use moving, digital objects. With their help, you can show the complexity of any process in the most simplified way. The advantage of 2D models and animations is their universality. It is these types of multimedia that can be freely published on websites and used as part of advertising campaigns or corporate and promotional films.

Virtual Reality (VR)

Virtual reality, or VR, is a three-dimensional image created using IT technology. VR creates a fictional space, objects and situations that are supposed to imitate the real world, just like in computer games. In business or education, virtual reality is widely used. With its help, you can create, for example, a virtual showroom or walk around the plan of a production plant with production lines that have not yet been created. And all this thanks to the use of special VR goggles.

Good examples of Virtual Reality in education are flight simulators that train future pilots. In this way, training in medicine is also carried out, thanks to which doctors can learn without the risk of making a mistake on a living organism. The technology is also used in a number of promotional and entertainment activities, e.g. in local governments. A great example here is the VR room in the municipal library in Piotrków Trybunalski.

Augmented Reality (AR)

Augmented Reality allows you to observe the world through the prism of applications for smartphones or tablets that add digital objects to reality. Thanks to this, users can enter into specific interactions with them in real time. The purpose of overlaying visual, sensory or audio information on the real world is primarily to enhance the audience experience.

One of the first, popular examples of AR was the PokemonGo game, in which the participants’ task was to catch virtual creatures in places around the world. However, augmented reality is not only for entertainment. Companies can use it to promote products and services, run innovative sales campaigns, and collect unique data about users. VR technology enables virtual home arrangements, digital selection of clothes, measuring objects or showing the way in shopping centers. An interesting example of using VR, AR and 360° video is a mobile game made for Skriware company.

Explainer videos

Explainer videos are videos whose aim is to explain various processes in the most simplified way. The light form of explainers means that even the most difficult topic can reach every recipient, regardless of their level of knowledge in this field. Simplicity is the most important thing in this type of multimedia projects. With the help of explainers, you can quickly illustrate complex legal issues and instructions, details of projects and strategies, implementation processes or even the course of promotional and social campaigns.

Explainer video conveys knowledge much more effectively than simple textual information contained, for example, in PDF files or catalogues. Standard animations usually last up to 2 minutes, but depending on the needs of a given industry, this time can be extended or shortened.

Educational games

Educational games are a particularly appreciated method of learning in modern e-learning in companies, addressed to adults. They allow you to gain knowledge by doing, go straight to practice and simulate the processes taking place in enterprises. As in the case of VR and AR, the employee can learn from mistakes and immediately receive feedback about what progress is made and what consequences his decisions entail.

What can be examples of online educational games? We can mention here, for example, managerial games that stimulate business management processes. The game can also help sellers by teaching them how to conduct business talks. Multimedia projects of this type also find their place in sectors not directly related to business. Educational games addressed to students or tourists are an innovative way to promote cities and communes, cultural assets or simply places worth seeing.

You can find examples of educational games on our Instagram!

Photos and 360° video

With the progress of photography, more and more companies and institutions use multimedia projects in the form of 360° photos and videos, in other words – spherical productions. Spherical videos and photos allow the recipient to freely control the photo (e.g. with the help of a cursor or finger on the smartphone screen), which makes it possible to view it as if from the inside. Simply, the observer sees everything that was visible around the place where the photo was taken. Compared to 2D photography, 360° projects show the full space, not just a section of it.

360° photos and videos are especially useful in marketing productions, including social media. Spherical productions are used in the real estate industry to present the interiors of apartments or various outdoor areas, e.g. tourist attractions. They can depict the interiors of commercial facilities, hotels, dining establishments or amusement parks. And all this to better convey the atmosphere of a given place.

Drone filming

Multimedia projects in the form of drone videos are professional video materials that are used in virtually every area of ​​marketing and promotion. Thanks to aerial filming, a company or institution can obtain high-quality materials for distribution in virtually all online communication channels. Aerial recordings allow you to prepare coverage of important company events, including outdoor events, concerts or local or regional events. It is also an ideal way to show places of special natural importance, to which access may be limited.

Multimedia in the company — what are the benefits?

The use of multimedia projects and implementations in enterprises brings a number of benefits. Here are the most important of them:

Greater involvement of employees in the communicated content

There is no denying that the combination of sound, image and animation into interesting multimedia enhances the curiosity of the recipients. Adding interactive elements to them makes the user assimilate the content on many levels, which translates into better understanding and remembering the content.

Better immersion and full exploration of the topic

In the case of artificially created experiences, recipients of interactive multimedia, such as Virtual Reality technologies, completely cut themselves off from the real world. Simply put, they enter the VR environment with all their senses, increasing the level of immersion, i.e. involvement in a given topic. Multimedia in immersive technologies, therefore, allow for better remembering of information addressed to us.

Satisfying individual educational needs

Multimedia projects gather a huge dose of knowledge on every subject, which is why they are now treated as an essential element of the teaching process. Tailor-made training, enriched with multimedia, improves the absorption of knowledge in the organization and improves the learning process. More interesting content means a greater willingness to acquire knowledge and greater involvement of employees, which translates into business successes of the company.

Multimedia realizations for your company

Do you need multimedia that will build the image of your company or make your trainings maximize the involvement of employees? Contact us and learn about the most effective multimedia solutions for your industry.